Faith: The Unseen Power Within

topic : the power of faith

what is faith?
faith is the power to create worlds
faith is what gives you the belief in something while theres no physical evidence to confirm
faith can make you happy in the worst of situations
faith with god , faith with yourself
faith in your vision , faith things will get better
could say hope , but hope is not as strong
faith is a deep inner knowing
and faith will grow the more you use it
if you choose to have faith in the outcome of your desire
then ideas come to you that could lead you in the right direction
combined with work ethic and disipline
your faith becomes a tangible reality
faith requires a clean mindset
the slightest of weeds in your mind can cause bad crop
a yield you dont intend to harvest .
plant your seeds and water them with faith
hold down the vibration of your wanted desire as an accomplished fact
that it has to become assured because of this feeling of knowing
and hold on to that shit , dont let it go when fear comes around
when the outside world comes around trying to take it
they’ll tell you you can’t have faith
look at what is , look at what is
and you in your mind with your energy hold on to what is in your mind
look at what could be , obssess over it
and accomplish it . with faith , the only thing capable of holding true to you
when noone else will or no one else did .

for a while i lived without faith
i lived in faith in a reality i didn’t desire
not on purpose but because i wasn’t in touch with the power
sometimes we have to go through that you see
being human is an experience where we learn and grow
regardless , faith in a reality you dont desire
is still faith and it still creates
why not have faith in a reality we do desire , peace

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