The Universe Works Through You

The universe is experiencing itself through you.

If you allow it, the universe will work through you.

By practicing thinking in harmony with universal laws, you ensure you only create what’s truly for you.

You hold the creative power to shape your reality.

Life’s contrast helps you refine what aligns with your soul.

Your energy is the magnet for the experiences you attract.

but im not saying everything everyone does is your fault

however for the most part

your perspective shapes how life is to effect you

imagine blaming yourself for someone elses bs

imagine taking someone elses bs and making it yours

or you can understand thats them , another part of the whole

and use these universal laws to think in favor of yourself for yourself

if you feel like a failure and identify with beliefs that dont belong to you

then you poison yourself .

focus on what you appreciate about yourself and your life

focus your attention , focus on what you do have and what makes you worthy

to forgive is to let go

and if you stay there you can cultivate a better opinion of yourself

nobody will value you as highly as you value yourself , remember that

everyone else will value themselves more , as they should

but some would like you to feel less so they can feel more

even then , if we dont vibrate with them your realities shift

you get what you hold in your mind because thats where your focus is

they get what they hold in their mind because thats where their focus is

hold your focus on your self concept

hold your focus on your desires

hold your focus on your affirmations

and you have to get what is for you

let them have whats for them

and they are you anyways , just like you are me

thats why people can’t affect you if you don’t let them

its just like your own dysfunctional thoughts

instead i invite you to think helpful thoughts

ya know that thing humans do that no other animal on the planet does

yea do that but in harmony with universal laws

and you can get my universal laws ebook in the bio

the universe always works through you

you think a certain way and you get a certain outcome

you can see it everywhere with everyone ,

all thinking something getting us something

and whatever we think about we get and then some thanks to the universe

all glory to god , may divinity protect you

with strength and prosperity

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